Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4 Ways To Get Help At Wealthy Affiliate

Being an affiliate working from home without support can be a long walk on a very lonely road...without a map. Who do you turn to when you need encouragement? How about when you're having problems with your latest campaign?

This is one of the reasons why I joined Wealthy Affiliate. As they say two heads are always better than one but a community of marketers with mixed experience can really mean a lot.

So when you're stuck or just need a push, here are 4 ways to get help at Wealthy Affiliate.

1. One on One Support

One of the privileges you pay for at Wealthy Affiliate is one on one support. You can contact Kyle or Carson anytime using the private messaging system on the forums. They will usually get back to you within 24 hours.

I've asked Kyle before for help on a campaign during my early days of Wealthy Affiliate and found his response to be very helpful with regards to what I was doing. I've even asked for his feedback on a blog post series I was doing for Wealthy Affiliate Insider to which he gave some pretty good ideas that I actually used.

You can't get this kind of service elsewhere - most gurus would charge an arm and a leg just to get one on one help from them. Remember you're paying for this privilege - use it.

2. Ask Questions on the Forum

I really owe the forums for my success. In my early days, every time I got stuck, I would post in the forums so I could learn about what I was doing wrong. I've also noticed that the persons who make progress, post regularly on the forums whether they're asking a question or just interacting.

There are many experienced marketers on the forum who will most likely know the answer or solution to your problem. If you need open help with a campaign you would probably get the friendly and helpful members of Wealthy Affiliate to get you out of a rut.

3. Referred?

If you know the member who referred you to Wealthy Affiliate, most are willing and ready to help out. Send them a private message and introduce yourself.

4. Network

This is a great way to get your name known around Wealthy Affiliate. Kyle and Carson created WA Spaces for this reason. You can set up a profile and space, blog and leave comments much like a social network.

You can also help out on the forums or just get some visibility by participating in discussions. Then if you have an questions most members would be glad to give their buddy an inciteful answer.

These are just 4 of the things you can do to make yourself a success. Getting active solutions to your problems puts you one step closer to being an super affiliate. A community like Wealthy Affiliate can help.

Sign up now to take advantage of something big that's coming to Wealthy Affiliate on June 1st. Kyle and Carson are going to be giving members a big opportunity to get their membership for free.

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