Friday, June 26, 2009

How To Make Money With: Weebly

This is post #3 in the "How To Make Money Series".

I've referenced Weebly before in the two previous posts in this series as a resource for getting up a website. Weebly is just one of many free website builders that you can use to design a website especially if you have little web design skills.

In this post, I'm going to show you some ways in which you can use Weebly to make money.

You will need:
  • A Weebly Pro Account
  • Affiliate Marketing Training
  • Multiple email accounts
  • Domain names
  • Web Hosting
Here are 4 ways to make money with Weebly.

>> Create Affiliate Websites

Weebly is great for creating affiliate websites. They're very easy to set up using the drag and drop features and come with plenty of templates to choose from.

Weebly allows you to create great looking landing pages in little time while you concentrate on doing the things you're good at like writing content, link building and getting traffic. No laboring over graphics software and dealing with complicated code.

Weebly also seems to rank well in the Google so getting free organic traffic is an added benefit of using this website builder for affiliate marketing.
>> Design Sites For Others

Once you've played around with Weebly a little, you'll feel as if you can do anything with it. Why not put your new found web design skills to work by designing sites for other people?

Don't be shy at doing this at all. There are still many small business owners who don't have or realize the benefits of having a web presence. What's worst is if you explained the benefits to them, they won't know where to start or how to build a website. You can use your knowledge and your easy to use web design resource to help them, all while getting paid.

So where do you start? Local businesses, like the ones in your community need this service if they don't already have it. Even some businesses have terrible looking and terribly optimized service. Use Weebly to make money by helping local businesses and individuals who want to have their own web presence.
  • Tip: Set up your own web design portfolio site where you can showcase your work and have others contact you.
>> Sell Your Creations

You don't have to wait for someone to contact you in order to make money designing sites with Weebly.

You can design your own niche websites and set them up yourself. You might need a Weebly pro Account for this as the basic account only lets you design up to two websites. Your other option is to sign up for multiple accounts using different email addresses that you own.

Make sure to monetize your websites before you list them and quite possibly get them earning money before you sell them off.

Here's a simple process to building and selling your Weebly sites for a profit.
  • Find a niche - make sure to do niche research, keyword research and research your competition (just like if you were doing it for yourself.) This will set you up to get as much profit which will have a good effect on your asking price.

  • Create your Weebly site complete with all the pages, relevant content and monetization then hit publish. Be sure to optimize your site for its keywords.

  • Register a domain - make sure that the domain is descriptive of the topic you chose and if possible get the main keyword in there. Dot coms are always best.

  • Host your domain - The good thing about Weebly is that you don't need to purchase a hosting plan. You can host your site right on Weebly so that's a plus right there.

  • List your website in a marketplace - There are sites online where people go to buy and sell websites. You will need to list yours with a site like Most webmaster forums also have a place for buying and selling websites.
  • Tip: Learn more about the process of website flipping if you want to use this method to make money with your Weebly sites.
>> Promote Weebly

Another great way to make money with Weebly is to tell about this great service. You can make money this way by signing up for the Weebly Affiliate program.

Weebly will give you 25% of any sales you refer. Even though its a free service, there are limitations and people will upgrade their account. This is great because you're referring people to a quality service and if they upgrade, this shows that they're happy with what they're getting.

The Weebly affiliate program will pay you for your efforts at the end of the month via Paypal.

>> Resources

Web Hosting
Website Marketplaces
Web Design

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wealthy Affiliate Platinum - Coming Soon

For the past week, Kyle and Carson have been hinting via the Wealthy Affiliate forums and their twitter that there was something big coming to Wealthy Affiliate.

How big?

Wealthy Affiliate is going Platinum!

Carson just posted on the forums about their latest project. In September 2009, the community will see its third major upgrade, moving from Wealthy Affiliate 3.0 to Wealthy Affiliate Platinum.

In a nutshell the new system will feature a whole new training center tailored to each individual user's specific needs. This would replace the current learning center and provide a richer environment for getting educated.

At the moment, they're only drip feeding info about Wealthy Affiliate Platinum so as your insider to the #1 ranked internet marketing university online, I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Qualifications for Make Money Online

It’s time to ask oneself, whether they have the right qualities and characteristics to make money online. Many money making programs do need certain characteristics to run them successfully. You have to be cutout for it. No one else can do it for you, irrespective of qualities. You need to make money online, you work off for it. Simple.

There are an awful lot of people out there all around the globe looking to make that extra money online, and online business ideas. A few checks and realities have to be brought to the fore before you get into the rigmarole.

Meaning no offence to anyone, few people are better with a second job to supplement their regular income rather than starting up a online money making program. It’s not worth the effort for them to waste precious time and effort on the internet when the chances of their failure are great.

In today’s economy, employers have got into the habit of delaying raises, whereas inflation is faster to catch up with an individual. To make ends meet it has become essential that he/she looks for money making opportunities at the earliest to ease out the current scenario and to secure a better future. Apart from paying bills, concerns of better living and growth are of paramount importance in ones life.

In conjunction, computers and internet have made it possible to bring people and work together to match their skills, interests and abilities which can be molded into the home business mould making it possible to earn that extra income without much of a fuss. Keeping the ease of setting up and starting off in mind, it is again advised not to jump. The extra income route is not for everyone.

Make sure you qualify the following attributes before thinking of the extra income route. Be honest to yourself while reading the following since this can make or break you:

1. Are you Goal Oriented? To be successful in any endeavor, one must have goals. Goals define the means and ways of achieving something. They can be set in two ways
a. The amount of online income you want to earn in dollars.
b. The time you want to spend on a specific job to earn the dollars.
What, When, Where are three important specifics that you have to define before embarking.
2. Ask yourself
a. Can you afford the program? (The investment). There are some free startup programs also.
b. Analyze your strengths. What you are good at and enjoy doing?
c. The marketability of the program you choose.
d. How much time will it take to achieve your goals following the chosen program?

3. Courage: Instead of getting caught in analysis paralysis, get yourself enough courage to start.
4. Selection of the right money making program is very important. Match your strengths to the appeal of the program.
5. Have a good plan in place to market your program. Ask questions if you do not know, but a good plan is a must.
6. Do you have self motivation and perseverance to go on and on. Keep abreast and educated.

Once you honestly answer the above positively, it would not be really difficult to succeed, otherwise look for other alternatives than to delve on these money making opportunities.

Monday, June 15, 2009

How To Make Money With: Yahoo Answers

This is post #2 in the "How To Make Money Series".

Yahoo Answers is a community driven Q&A service powered by Yahoo. Users can ask questions, answer questions or browse the huge database of questions and answers. Because Yahoo is one of the most trafficked sites on the internet, Yahoo Answers is also highly trafficked which presents a variety of benefits that can be leveraged in many ways to make money.

So how can we use Yahoo Answers to make money?

You will need:
  • A Yahoo Id (sign up for a Yahoo Mail Account.)
  • A domain name or website or blog
  • Affiliate program
  • Research skills
  • To be very careful
  • A URL tracker like My-Linker
Here are a couple of ways to make money with Yahoo Answers.

>> Answer Questions Knowledgeably

This is the most popular way to make money with Yahoo Answers. You answer questions in your area of expertise and drop a link to your website or affiliate offer.

However, its not that simple. Before you go get yourself banned for spamming here's a few things you should do first.

Set up your profile - Yahoo Answers allows you to use an avatar on your profile page. Be sure to use an avatar and fill in all the other details. You can use the about section to provide information about yourself and you can link to your websites. When answering questions, people will often check out your profile...don't leave it empty.

Be familiar with the rules - Specifically, provide answers that are relevant to the question and only link to relevant pages that adds to your answer.

To make money answering questions on Yahoo Answers here are a few suggestions.
  1. Pick a category where you can showcase your expertise. It would be easier to answer questions and participants will recognize that you know what you're talking about.

  2. Your ultimate goal is to get the best answer. Not only will you recieve more point, your answer will move to the top where it is most visible.

  3. Use Google to research your answers so that you can provide the most useful answer.

  4. Search engine optimize your answer, especially if the question already has keywords in it. Also try writing the answer as long as an article with reference links. When these show up in the search engines they can generate a lot of traffic since Yahoo Answers ranks very high at times.

  5. While you can link to to your affiliate program (you can't submit Clickbank links however), its better to link to a page on your website or a blog post where the reader will find more info.

  6. If you're marketing different niches, you might find it convenient to set up a different profile using a separate email address. Just don't use the account to vote for your other answers and you'll be ok.

>> Use Yahoo Answers for Niche Research.

Because Yahoo Answers has a database of questions that is over 3 years old it is a great place to do niche research. Many of the questions get asked over and over and point to problems that a specific target audience might have. You can use this to your advantage to make money online.

I've written a very detailed post at on how I go about doing niche research with Yahoo Answers to make money. You should definitely check it out.

Some of the things you will uncover when doing niche research on Yahoo Answers will put you in a position to give your target audience more relevant content and solutions to their problems.

You will find:
  • Burning questions that define what your niche is looking for.
  • Low competition long tailed keywords you can use for article marketing.
  • the lingo commonly used in your niche - use these and you'll be percieved as an expert
  • hot products to promote that people are already talking about.
  • hot products advertisers are already promoting
  • and more.
Read the article on Yahoo Answers for Niche Research.

>> Resources

Further Reading:
Affiliate Programs
Url Tracker

Friday, June 12, 2009

It Can Happen To AnyOne

Is It Just Another Day Online?

One day Melissa received an email in her inbox. She glanced at the subject line
for a moment, cursed under her breath, "Now what", when she say the subject line that read:

"Please Verify Your Paypal Account".

She read the email thoroughly. Someone was getting into her account, and they would like her to verify her information. She was busy, but she thought that she should take the time to resolve the issue to get her online work done before the weekend. She clicked on the link they provided, and entered her id and password. But.....

When Melissa got into the website, she noticed that some of the items were not populated. No sweat, just refresh. It still didn't work. And when she clicked on the calender to put in the date span-it didn't work.

Frustrated she leaves. But then she remembers something that she had just read about phishing. Her stomach knotted up, as her mind wondered to the "What if possibility". Whenever she got that knot in her stomach, she knew she had to act. She got the link for Paypal from her stored links and contacted Paypal.

To her dismay she had been hit with a phishing scam.

When you have been hit by a phishing scam you should act immediately. Melissa did some things wrong, and some things right. One of the right things she did was to contact Paypal immediately. Why?

They can being to monitor the account, kill any suspicious transactions from the time you contacted them, and change your password and user-id.

Phishing affects credit cards, banking and other financial dealings. To learn more about phishing and the new avenue in which they are utilizing phishing, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself- read my article titled:

Phishing Can Affect Anyone

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How To Make Money With: Forums

Welcome to the first post in the "How To Make Money Series". Today I'm going to show you how to make money with forums.

There are many ways to make money online and forum marketing is just one of the low cost methods you can use to get traffic and even direct sales. You don't need any money at all to make money with forums but for some of the more advanced techniques you might need to make a little investment.

In order to make money with forums you will need:
  1. A niche market
  2. A forum account
  3. An affiliate program
  4. Your own product
  5. A website
  1. An autoresponder
  2. Your own forum
There are several ways to make money with a forum also, some you may know and some that aren't so obvious. We'll start with...

>> Forum Marketing With Your Signature

One common mistake made in forums is spamming by inexperienced marketers. In fact, if you do have experience and you make this mistake, you will be perceived as inexperienced. Spamming isn't just unsolicited emails...its any marketing message that is unsolicited and intrusive.

To avoid coming off as a spammer, you need to build a relationship with the community which you are now a part of. This can mean just being generally helpful on the forums, responding to discussions and asking questions without promoting anything within these posts.

To make money with forum marketing, you will need to add a signature. Most forums provide you with a space in the profile section where you can edit your signature. Here you will place your affiliate link for the product you're promoting or a link to your own product if you own one. Your signature will be attached to every post you make.

Once you keep posting with your signature and being helpful, your signature will start getting noticed and people will click to find out more about what you're involved with. This can lead to sales, signups if you link to an optin page and even subscriptions if you link to your own blog.

Just be sure to heed the forum rules and any rules they might have for signatures.
  • Tip: In a non internet marketing related forum, building a relationship before you add a signature works best. Add your signature after about 20 posts.
>> Blatantly Advertise Where Allowed

Some forums have a section where you can advertise your site or affiliate offers. Most of these sections still have rules while some let anything go. These advertising sections go by different names like "Ads and Offers" or simply "Advertise your Business".

You can use these sections to write short ads or articles that point to the product you're advertising. I usually use it these sections as part of my link building strategy and link to my landing page.

The best way to use this section is to optimize your post title for the search engines since some forums do rank highly. This way you'll get search engine traffic as well as traffic from the forum itself. If you did a good job at building a relationship first then you're more likely to get your ad checked out.
  • Tip: Use bullets, pictures and other edits to make your ad as attractive as possible.
>> Rent Space In Your Signature

We're talking real estate, baby. If you're a regular forum poster, you may be able to offer your signature for rent. You can make money this way by advertising a spot in your sig or responding to offers.

This is one of those methods not talked about much but if you're struggling to make money online, you can use this method as a way to get some change while learning. Both you and the advertiser benefit but it would be a plus if you also knew a little about the product just in case you get an private messages.

You can use your signature to advertise space, post in the advertising section of the forum or contact an advertiser directly.

  • Tip: If you're an advertiser then you can purchase forum signature space to help increase traffic to your site. You get all the benefits of posting in forums without having to build a relationship yourself and of course, time to be productive in other areas.
>> Own A Forum - Monetize it

Another option to making money with forums is to own the forum. This way you have control just like owning your own website and you can monetize the pages with Adsense, sell banner space and affiliate programs.

The best thing about this is that you can get pages added to your forum everyday when users create a topic. No headaches trying to come up with content - its all user generated. The hardest part is to get the forum going and be able to retain membership.

Installing a forum is as simple as getting a domain and a good web host. Make sure the web host has cPanel and something called Fantastico (most hosting has this anyway). The forum scripts are free to install with a few clicks and you'll be up and running in seconds.

Apply for a Google Adsense account and add it to the forum and you're ready to go.
  • Tip: You don't have to own the forum to make money from Adsense. Some forums allow you to share ad revenue. Grab your adsense id and add it to any adsense revenue sharing forum that you're a part of.
>> Resources

Further Reading:
Finding a Niche:
Forum Software:

Monday, June 8, 2009

How To Make Money Series

There are many different ways to make money on the internet. Affiliate marketing, dropshipping, ebay, freelance writing and even MLM are just a few. All this month I'll be making a series of posts on how to make money online with different programs and situations.

This new series will hopefully help you make more money with your program or help you make your first dollar online.

The "How To Make Money Series" will be as step by step as I could possible get and I encourage your feedback in the comment section. Questions, comments and criticism are welcome.

Please subscribe to the feed to ensure you receive the series and any other updates.
