Friday, May 22, 2009


Date Added: Jan 14, 2000
Sign-up Fee/Requirements: No sign up fee

Program Summary: Our company specialises in the instant, online production and delivery of the materials needed to successfully run a trivia event. Thanks to the ever increasing popularity of pub quizzes and trivia nights across the world, our little company has enjoyed immense growth since its launch last year. This year we are offering a very exciting affiliate program which allows webmasters the opportunity to join us in making money from the trivia phenomenon. When a sale is made thanks to your referral you will receive 30% of the total purchase as well as 30% of the purchases that customer makes ever again. As many of our customers are repeat business, this is an easy way to make hundreds of dollars from one click. If you are unable to incorporate any of our eye-catching banners or ads on your page, there are simple links; articles and forum signatures are available, so you can be generating income away from your site as well. If you`d like to learn more about the 3 Streets Trivia affiliate program please click here.

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