Friday, April 24, 2009

Listening To Your Inner Voice

Everyone has that "Inner Voice" and when you're working on the internet, many prey on your desires, while hoping that you will ignore your inner voice, and take the bait.

Let's take an example. We'll call the participant, Joe NotSoSmart.

Joe NotSoSmart got an email from another webmaster that they would like to buy space on Joe NotSoSmart's website. The webmaster told Joe NotSoSmart the specific page that they wanted their ad on.

Joe NotSoSmart, was elated about the prospect of making some money on a monthly basis. And simply said, "when will you have your ad ready?"

Joe NotSoSmart did not:

1. check the website. Always check the website, and all it's links. Why? The website may be a single splash page, with absolutely no content or link. Doesn't happen you say? It does.
2. State that he had Google Ads on his site, and he will follow the Google rules. Which means that, he will properly identify it as an advertisement. (This quickly will determine the mindset of the
individual). Either they will agree, or you will quickly know they were after your ranking-and will not respond.

What can happened to Joe NotSoSmart because he did not check these simple things?

1. The link can go to anywhere, especially if the website is only a single splash page that has only one benefit- a professional looking page. Could it possibly end up leading to a page that Google does not think highly of? If so, his website is in trouble. Obviously, it's not going to a no-content splash page.
2. He could possibly run into a problem with Google and see his ranking fall, as well as, his position in the Google search engines fall. Or, the worse case scenerio, be banned from Google. As well as, some of the other major search engines. This would eventually lead to his closing his website down and starting from scratch.

As you can see, always place your bets on the side of caution. And do your research.

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