Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Ways To Use Rapid Writer to Make Money

Rapid Writer is a program that Wealthy Affiliate introduced last year to help affiliates, in particular article marketers, write articles and optimized website content. Rapid Writer helps you to edit, spin and export articles for your own use or for others.

Rapid Writer ensures that you have unique content and that you can produce optimize content very quickly by monitoring keyword density. A built in Thesaurus allows you to spin the content using synonyms and alternative phrases.

The program also goes further with its keyword research tab where it identifies whether there are article sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and Ezinearticles on the front page of Google.

Having access to Rapid Writer can help you make money whether or not you choose to do affiliate marketing. You can provide services to other affiliate marketers who need to leverage their time.

Here are some ideas for using Rapid Writer to make money.
  1. Write articles and submit them to article directories and link to an affiliate site or your own webpage that is monetized with affiliate programs.

  2. Write and optimized articles and sell your services on WA Jobs or even an external freelance site. You can eventually set up your own article writing service website where people pay you for articles.

  3. Write articles in a specific niche, package them as PLR and sell them to other affiliates. Setting up a PLR website can also be a great way to become a product owner.

  4. Edit the PLR articles that come with Rapid Writer (you don't need to write your own articles) and post them on your blog. Monetize your blog with Adsense and/or affiliate programs.

  5. Submit your articles to Associated Content where they pay you for your articles (USA & Canada only). Leverage these articles by linking to your site to increase SEO benefits or to get traffic to your affiliate programs.
These are just a few of the things you can do with Rapid Writer to make money online. There are other article writing software you can use but the benefits of having a Wealthy Affiliate membership with access to Rapid Writer far outweighs any benefit you may derive from those software.

Feel free to add your own ideas or ask questions in the comment section if you have any.

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