Monday, December 15, 2008

Putting An Optin Form on Your Squidoo Lens

It used to be that you could easily add an opt in form on Squidoo so that marketers could build a list. All you had to do was use an iframe and add your code.

But due to people abusing the platform, Squidoo revoked this privelege and marketers had to resort to tricks like adding clickbable images that looked like a real opt in form that redirected to a real optin form on their domain.

So you really needed a domain and a website in order for this to work.

Of course, this would present a few problems. Other than annoying the heck out of your visitors, it also produces one more way to lose your visitor inside your funnel of traffic. You really don't want that.

Well, necessity really is the mother of inventions...or ingenuity in this case.

Wealthy Affiliate member, Andrew, found a workaround to the Squidoo optin problem and I would post it here but he deserves the credit so you could visit his Squidoo lens where he has a working optin form and sign up to get the info.

The 5 page instuctional manual is worth every penny...its actually free :)

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