Monday, May 11, 2009

Your Website and Springtime Dusting?

Your Website and Springtime Dusting?
By Vickie J. Scanlon

Okay, you can tell it's Spring. Or, that I have a strong case of spring fever. But along with Spring, comes Spring cleaning. And that is not just restricted to housecleaning. Your website should go through some simple, well, maybe not simple, spring cleaning rituals.

Sometimes, these simple things discussed below can have a great effect on your pocketbook, as well as, better exposure with the search engines. So what can you do to get the cobwebs out of your website?

1. Clean out the broken links. This should be a continual process. Broken links can push your search engine ranking-page ranking down. So eliminate those links that go nowhere.

2. If you have articles on your website by other authors, you better check those links. Why? Some websites succeed, some fail, and some people just get bored with the website and have a for sale sign plastered on the front page.

What do you do with these links, find the website and their contact information. Send them an email and tell them that you have their article on your website and would like to update the link that is now a "link to nowhere". They will happily supply you with a new link.

Other times, the website is gone. I've kept their name, as the author in place, but eliminated the dead links.

3. Clean your webpages. This is the not so simple one. Here you have to go page by page and clean the code so that the search engines can more easily find you, and your server can better service you. Bad links on your server can cause you some problems-such as incomplete stats. And stats, are an important component not to have distorted or missing.

4. It also may be time to determine which products stay and which should go. If the product has been on your site for a year, made no money, had no clicks and you have given the product the exposure it needs to be seen, you might want to let it go.

However, if you have to let go of the old, remember you can bring something new to your site.

5. Last but not least, recheck and tweak your goals. Goals change. Why? Live is not static, nor is an online business.

I know, I know, spring cleaning is not fun. It's hard work, but hopefully you will see the rewards in short order.

To help your spring cleaning along-you can utilize this online tool for free: to help you find your dead links. For other website tools you can check out my web page: website management tools

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