Thursday, May 28, 2009

Classified Ads - Great Income Source

Internet electronic classified ads can be a great source of income, but unfortunately many people do not know how to take advantage of them. Internet electronic classified ads are basically electronic version of the classified ads you see in your paper everyday, only the ones on the internet are not done on a local level, but a national level. The power behind them is that once you have found a small ad that is tested and makes a profits. you can roll out that exact same classified ad to hundreds of other websites to make a larger profit.

The key again is to target your market. It is easy to think that if a classified ad site gets 500,000 visitors a month, you will almost have to make money unless your ad is so poor that no one reads it. But, find out more statistics before you place your ad. If you find out most people are coming there because they are interested in the computer sections. if you are advertising anything but computer products or service, it will be a complete wash.

The most effective place to put classified ads in is newsletters. Newsletters are usually read from
beginning to end. If you pick a newsletter that is targeted to your market, you have a very captive audience. To find newsletters specific to your industry, go to site like ,

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