Friday, May 8, 2009 - Make Money as a Guide is an online neighborhood of hundreds of helpful experts, call Guides. Guides are freelancers who work for earn money online and set their own schedules, giving them the flexibility to work at the time that's best for them.

Anyone can apply to make money as a Guide. Qualified applicants with proven expertise in a topic are accepted into self-guided online training program. In this training program, prospective Guides become familiar with's writing standards and publishing tools by writing a series of articles on pre-defined topics and publishing them in mock sites. Editors evaluate these sample sites and choose the most qualified applicant.

Guides in their first two years must publish four articles every month with gaps of no greater than 14 days between articles, and update their blog one to three times every seven days.

All Guides are paid a base amount of money, plus an additional payment. In addition to a base payment (guaranteed you can earn 675 dollars per month for Guides in their first two years, with a minimum of 500 dollars income per month afterwards), pays Guides by measuring page view growth (month-over-month for Guides in their first year, and year-over-year every year after) with payment incentives for pageview growth. If your page views grow, you will never make less than 675 dollars per month.

On average, first two years you can earn 1,000dollars a month. The average Guide compensation is around 2,000 dollars income for month.

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