Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quit Your Job With Wealthy Affiliate?

Considering the fact that economic times are hard and people are losing their jobs, it would seem almost crazy that people are actually quitting their 9 to 5's just to spend their time on the computer.

Quitting your day job and going full time is usually a measure of success and a major goal for anyone making money online.

Lots of make money products promise you this but most of them hardly ever deliver on that promise.

Just today I was browsing the Wealthy Affiliate success forum and see a post entitled: Another Day Job Killed By IM.

Its from a guy named Chris and he joined 2 years ago. Here's an excerpt of that post copied and pasted straight from the Wealthy Affiliate Success forums.

Very few people know me here at WA, but I've been a member for 2 years and I hope that this post will add some value for those who read it.

On 1 February 2009 I'm handing in my resignation to become a full time internet marketer. It's been hard work and I've had MANY failures over the past 2 years, but I kept on trying and today I consistently earn around $200/day from my IM campaigns, enough to replace my current salary and give me the opportunity to do this full time. I firmly believe that this is the best decision I've ever made and I have no doubt that the opportunities are there to double or triple this over the next year, even in the current financial crisis.

Wealthy Affiliate A Day Job Killer?

Yep! Here are some more success stories. If you ever have doubt that internet marketing works this well then these should serve as inspirational. You too can quit your day job.

Heather posted on 6.27.08 - Last Day At My Day Job - Today!

I've been waiting to post this for a long time. Today is my last day at my day job!!! It took me longer than some to climb the learning curve hill, but I am persistent and I did it. A big thanks to those who have helped me along the way.

Here's my time line
Joined WA in October 2007 - Zero IM experience - I mean none, nada, zip. - Zero web design experience
Profitable in March 2008!!
Full Time in IM June 30, 2008.

Thad Roe posted on 6.30.2007 - Day Job....Killed!

Well, I'm thrilled to report that yesterday I kicked a $120K/yr day job straight in the nuts thanks to WA! I ain't nobody's bitch now!

I'm consitently averaging over $500/day net profits now, which may not be huge by some standards, but it's enough to make me feel comfortable quitting. I feel like the sky is the limit so I hope everyone can see the real potential from putting what you learn at WA into action.

There's a whole lot more success posts like these and many Wealthy Affiliate members are doing internet marketing full time.

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