Saturday, January 3, 2009

12 People Wealthy Affiliate Can Help in 2009

Its 2009 and many of you have chosen to make resolutions and goals. I know I have and one of those is to help more people to get what they want.

If you have chosen a money oriented goal such as 'make more money' or 'find a new job', then you might have turned towards the internet as a means of fulfilling that goal.

Wealthy Affiliate can help you. Its has long been rated as one of the best resources for persons to make money online and has helped over 20,000 persons worldwide in the 3 years that it has been online.

Wealthy Affiliate won't only teach you how to make money online, it will help you to promote any existing business you already have if you're willing to learn simple affiliate and internet marketing techniques.

Here are some of the people Wealthy Affiliate can help in 2009.

University Students

Many university and college students have to pay their own way through college and making enough money to survive the expenses can mean taking low paying jobs that can barely take care of things. Why not work from the comfort of your dorm room and make money to take care of these student bills and have extra for an exciting college life. Wealthy Affiliate member Ryan Moran is currently earning 6 figures a year doing just this.

Ex Convicts

Getting out of prison and back into society can make for a tough transition. Even after you're paid your debt to society, many individuals still cant seem to get accepted or trusted enough to get decent employment. Internet and affiliate marketing can be a nice alternative for ex convicts if they want to make a decent income online. Companies aren't likely to turn you down and you can promote products for generous commissions. Wealthy Affiliate can teach you how.


There are lots of opportunities for writers online. Blogging, freelance article writing and copywriting are just some of the options a writer has. Some sites allow you to earn money directly from your writing. If you want major exposure for your work, learning how to market yourself and establish your niche online is something you will learn at Wealthy Affiliate. You can also use WA Jobs to earn money from your membership.

Web Designers

Speaking of WA Jobs, Wealthy Affiate can be a really cool place for Web Designers to hang out as many affiliates would rather concentrate on driving traffic to their sites than toil over building websites. Look for an abundance of design jobs in the WA Job section or post your service. Additionally, if you design websites but haven't been able to find a way of making enough money from your skills then Wealthy Affiliate will show you how to market your skills more effectively and earn money building niche websites.


So you're a blogger, but how much do you actually make? How much traffic do you actually see? Blogging can be a great start to making money online since you can develop a lot of the skills you need to succeed as an affiliate marketer. Take your blogging to the next level and earn more subscibers, more top 10 Google listings and ultimately, more money in 2009.

Disabled Individuals

If you can work from the computer then becoming an affiliate can be a great way of killing two birds with one stone. You get to occupy your time with something you will enjoy and you get to learn how to make money online. You too can contribute to the family's income despite your disabilities. My friend, Miguelito at Wealthy Affiliate is currently earning a few hundred a month as an affiliate although he is disabled.

Part Time Job Seekers

If you've been laid off due to the tough economy or just looking for a second income, you might want to try affiliate marketing. Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools that will allow you to build up an income over time that will pay your bills, your mortgage etc and allow you to live a comfortable life as a self employed business owner. Lots of members at Wealthy Affiliate make in excess of $10,000 per month. This won't happen overnight so it might be a good idea to actually do this part time until you can afford to go full time.

Low Income & Minimum Wage Workers

It doesn't take any special qualifications to become an affiliate marketer. One of the best places you can learn to become one is Wealthy Affiliate. Read above how Wealthy Affiliate can help part time Job seekers.

Job Haters

Was one of your resolutions to quit your job in 2009? You can make it a reality this year. There are tonnes of success stories in the Wealthy Affiliate forum about people quitting their jobs. You can be one of these people that tell your boss just what you wanted to tell him. A new career in affiliate marketing can be very rewarding. How would you like to make more money than the guy who runs your company?


Lots of retirees end up trying to get a job when they realize that the money they saved up will only last so long. A great way to keep occupied and make money throught your golden years is to set aside a few hours a day to learn and implement affiliate marketing techniques. Minimize the time it takes to get going and learn from Wealthy Affiliate.

Network Marketers

Most network marketers don't realize this but the products they promote have very little competition on the internet. Why fight with cold calling and chasing your family and friends when you can use modern techniques and the power of the internet to find and dominate your niche market. Leads are also much easier to get on the internet once you learn how to use email marketing. Wealthy Affiliate will help network marketers learn how to market their products and find more leads.

Business owners

If you own an existing business, whether its online or offline but don't know how to drive more traffic to your website or even if you don't yet have a website then there is a lot Wealthy Affiliate can help you with. Many members drive tens of thousands of visitors to their affiliate websites every month and make the cash to correspond with their efforts. You can also learn how to dominate the search engines for local search, something Wealthy Affiliate member Alex (Canuck) has been teaching local business owners how to do this while earning thousands on every deal.

If you're an affiliate marketer reading this then you also have a great opportunity to help the people mentioned above and earn a trip to Las Vegas in 2010. Can you help 300 of these people? If you can, then Kyle and Carson have an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for you and you have roughly 360 days to do it. You will find more details inside the membership area.

Make 2009 your year. Set goals and work towards achieving them and you can become to success you always wanted to be.

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